Kancelář: TL 314
Email: vrankova@pf.jcu.cz
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Konzultační hodiny
ve zkouškovém období konzultace dle domluvy
Zimní semestr / Winter Term 2021/22:
English literature, American Romanticism, literary theory, children's literature
1989-1994: | Charles University, Philosophical Faculty (Czech studies, English studies; diploma thesis in English literature) |
March 1993 - June 1993: | University of Kent, Canterbury (English literature) |
July-August 1995: | University of Edinburgh (Modern British literature) |
March 1999: | Stratford upon Avon, Council of Europe In-service Training Programme (Teaching Shakespeare: Making Classical Literature Relevant in the Late Twentieth Century) |
1995-2001: | Charles University, Philosophical Faculty - postgraduate studies (English and American literature, dissertation "Aspects of the Gothic Novel in 19th and 20th Century Fiction") |
Professional Experience:
since 1994: University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Education, English Department
(lectures in English literature, American literature, children's literature)
Anglo-American Gothic and Romantic literature and its impact on contemporary literary criticism and theory
Vránková, K. Metamorphoses of the sublime: from ballads and gothic novels to contemporary Anglo-American children’s literature. Vydání první. České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta, 2019. 167 s. ISBN 978-80-7394-753-8.
"Developing a Children´s Literature Syllabus" (Vytváření sylabu dětské literatury), In: Syllabus Development Based on Research and Experience, Liberec: Technická universita, 2000; s. 62-63. ISBN 80-7083-438-2
"The Beginnings of American Children´s Literature" (Počátky americké dětské literatury), Children´s Literature in English at the Turn of the Millennium, ed. B. Mánek, Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2002; s. 113-117. ISBN 80-7041-940-7
"Frances Hodgson Burnett´s Secret Garden as Viewed by Contemporary Literary Theory" (Tajemná zahrada Frances Hodgson Burnettové očima současné literární teorie), Children´s Literature in English at the Turn of the Millennium, ed. B. Mánek, Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2002; s. 139-146. ISBN 80-7041-940-7
"Jean Rhys´s Wide Sargasso Sea: The Ghosts of Conscience" (Širé Sargasové moře Jean Rhysové: Přízraky svědomí), Prague Conference on Linguistics and Literary Studies, ed. Anna Grmelová, Praha: Karlova Universita, 2003; s. 151-156. ISBN 80-7290-104-4
"Mystery and Misunderstanding: The Ambiguity of Images, Ideas and Intimations in Emily Brontë´s Wuthering Heights" (Tajemství a nedorozumění: Dvojznačnost obrazů, myšlenek a náznaků ve Vichrném návrší Emily Brontëové), Litteraria Pragensia, vol. 27, Praha: Karlova Universita, 2004; s. 62-73. ISSN 0862-8424
"Some Notes on the Theme of Mystery in Contemporary Children´s Literature in English" (Poznámky k tématu tajemství v současné anglické literatuře pro děti) Learning Together: Proceedings of 4th International Conference of the Association of Teachers of English, ed. Šárka Ježková, Pardubice: Universita Pardubice, 2004; s. 198-204. ISBN 80-7194-724-5
"Frankenstein: Mary Shelley´s Horror of Split Consciousness" (Frankenstein Mary Shelleyové: Horor rozdvojeného vědomí), Monsters and the Monstrous, ed. Paul Yoder, P.M. Kreuter, Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2004, s. 25-28. ISBN: 1-904710-21-2
"Variations and Transformations of the ´Lenore´ Motif in European Ballads" (Variace a transformace lenorského motivu v evropských baladách), Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 4, ed. Jan Chovanec, Brno: Masarykova universita, 2005; s. 171-176. ISBN 80-210-3836-5
"Teaching and Learning Children´s Literature" (Dětská literatura jako předmět výuky a studia), English for Central Europe: Interdisciplinary Saxon-Czech Perspectives, ed. Josef Schmied, Christoph Haase, KatrinVoigt, Göttingen: Chemnitz University of Technology, 2005; s. 117-121. ISBN 3-86537-420-4
"Other Worlds and the Experience of the Sublime in Fantastic Stories for Children" (Jiné světy a zážitek vznešena v dětské fantastické literatuře), Cultural Studies at the Turn of the Millenium, ed. Šárka Bubíková, Olga Zderadičková, Michael M. Kaylor, Pardubice: Universita Pardubice, 2005; s. 83-90. ISBN 80-7194-816-0
"Paths of Memory. The Past and the Present in Tom´s Midnight Garden (Pearce) and Stoletá holka (Knitlová)" (Cesty paměti. Minulost a přítomnost v Tomově půlnoční zahradě [Pearce] a Stoleté holce [Knitlová]), Bookbird, The Journal of IBBY, Vol 44, NO. 2, ed. Valerie Coghlan and Siobhán Parkinson, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006; s. 5-12. ISSN 0006 7377
"The Sublime and the Supernatural: The Spectre's Bride Theme in the Popular and Literary Ballads of Several European Nations" (Vznešeno a téma nadpřirozena: Obraz duchovy nevěsty v lidových a literárních baladách několika evropských národů), In: English Language and Literature Studies: Interfaces and Integrations, Vol. III, ed. Paunovic, Rasulic, Trbojevic, Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 2007; s. 147-153. ISBN 978-86-86419-18-7
Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature. South Bohemian Anglo-American Studies in English No. 1., (Sen, imaginace a skutečnost v literatuře. Jihočeská angloamerická studia 1), Kamila Vránková, Christopher Koy (eds), České Budějovice: Jihočeská universita, 2007; s. 154. ISBN 978-80-7394-006-5
"'A Fearful Voyage I Had:' Dreams of Reality in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea (Sny o skutečnosti v románech Jane Eyre Charlotty Brontëové a Širé Sargasové moře Jean Rhysové), In: Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature. South Bohemian Anglo-American Studies No. 1, ed. K. Vránková, Ch. Koy, České Budějovice: Jihočeská universita, 2007; s. 123-127. ISBN 978-80-7394-006-5
"'Emptiness and Expectation': Difference, Repetition and Memory in Time-Travel Stories for Children (Diference, opakování a úloha paměti v dětské literatuře o cestách v čase), In: Stories for Children, Histories of Childhood. Histoires D'Enfant, Histoires D'Enfance, Tours: Francois Rabelais University, 2007; s. 119-126. ISBN 978-2-86906-234-4 ISSN 0997-4970
"O pojmech, proudech a kontextech romantismu" (Of concepts, currents and contexts of Romanticism), recenze (M. Procházka, Z. Hrbata, Romantismus a romantismy), In. Svět literatury, č. 35, Praha: Universita Karlova 2007; 233-238. ISSN 0862-8440
"Notes on the Time-Travel Motif in Children's Fantasy Fiction" (Motivy cestování v čase v dětské fantastické literatuře), In: English Studies and Language Teaching, Vol. 3, Plzeň: Západočeská universita, 2008; s. 128-132. ISBN 80-86680-12-6
"The Theme of Otherness and the Role of Dialogue in Brontë's Jane Eyre and Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea" (Téma odlišnosti a úloha dialogu v románech Jana EyrováCh. Brontëové a Širé Sargasové moře Jean Rhysové); American and British Studies Annual, Vol. 1, Pardubice: Universita Pardubice, 2008; s. 81-88. ISSN 1803-6058
"Notes on the Sublime Experience in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea" (K problematice vznešena v románu Jean Rhysové Širé Sargasové moře), Eger Journal of English Studies, VIII, ed. Éva Antal and Csaba Czeglédi, Eger: Eszterházy Károly University, 2008, s. 13-21; ISSN: 1786-5638
"The Sublime and the Other in English Fantasy Fiction for Children" (Vznešeno a téma jiného v anglických fantastických příbězích pro děti), In: Language, Literature, Culture, Identity, Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 2009.
The Theme of Transformation and the Experience of the Sublime in Nathaniel Hawthorne´s Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys and Tanglewood Tales. "Tis to Create and in Creating Live": Essays in Honour of Martin Procházka. Eds. Ondřej Pilný, Mirka Horová, Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2013, 327 pp. (267-275). ISBN 978-80-7308-445-5.
The Gothic Supernaturalism and the Search for Identity in Chris Priestley´s Tales of Terror. A Search for Identity. Eds. I. Mišterová, E. Skopečková, Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013, pp. 185 (55-63), ISBN 978-80-261-0323-3.
"Beyond Rhetoric. Rhetorical Figures of Reading" by Éva Antal. Eger Journal of English Studies XIII (Eger: Líceum Kiadó, 2013), ed. É. Antal, C. Czeglédi, 157 pp. (97-99). HU ISSN: 1786-5638 (Print). HU ISSN: 2060-9159 (Online).
Gothic Elements in J.K. Rowling´s Harry Potter. Through Uncanny Experience to the Problem of Identity. Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. Ed. Jan Suk, Hradec Králové: UHK, 2014, pp. 153 (63-67), ISSN 2336-3347.
Repetition in Time-Travel Fantasy: Adventure of Choice or Destiny? Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies. Ed. Jan Suk, Hradec Králové: UHK, 2014, pp. 153 (68-72), ISSN 2336-3347.
The Experience of the Sublime and the Terrors of Transgression in Nathaniel Hawthorne´s Marble Faun. Linguistics and Literature Studies, Vol. 3, Number 6, Alhambra: Horizon Research Publishing, 2015, pp. 259-299 (pp. 264-270). ISSN 2331 - 642X.
Dreams and Magic in the Illustrations and Puppet Movies of Jiří Trnka, Belgrade Bells, Vol. 7, Belgrade University 2015, 245 pp. (93-106), ISSN 1821-3138.
Úvahy o románu Jean Rhysové Širé Sargasové moře (Thoughts of Jean Rhys´s Novel Wide Sargasso Sea). Lingua Viva 20, ročník XI, České Budějovice: Katedry jazyků PF JU v ČB, 2015, 75 pp. (30-36). ISSN 1801 - 1489.
From Emotion to Interpretation: Edmund Burke´s Sublime and the English Gothic Novel. Lingua Viva 23, ročník XII, České Budějovice: Katedry jazyků PF JU v ČB, 2016, 80 pp (19-29). ISSN 1801 - 1489.
The Ethical Aspects of the Sublime in Modern English Fantasy (Rowling, Pullman, Higgins). Eger Journal of English Studies, Volume XVI, Eger: Eszterházy Károly University, 2017, 135 pp (83-94). ISSN 1786-5638.
The Power of Reason and Imagination in Kant, Emerson and the Romantic Sublime. http://anglisztika.uni-eger.hu/en/angl-en/eger-journal-of-english-studies-51/volume-xvii-2017--151
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