Vladislav Smolka

PhDr. Vladislav Smolka, Ph.D.

Kancelář: TL 312
Email: smolka@pf.jcu.cz
Telefon: 387 773 155

Konzultační hodiny

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Zimní semestr / Winter Term 2021/22:

will be updated

born 1963

Graduate in Czech-English, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague
Diploma in TEFL, CALS, University of Reading

Subjects taught: English syntax, phonetics and phonology, text linguistics

Research interests: Functional sentence perspective and word order, pronunciation problems of Czech learners of English

Smolka, V. "The position and FSP role of -ly adverbials in small distributional fields." Linguistica pragensia 2/2019, 147-159.

Smolka, V. "What Comes First, What Comes Next: Information Packaging in Written and Spoken Language". Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 1/2017, s. 51-61. ISSN 1804-624X (Print), ISSN 2464-6504 (Online).

Smolka, V. "Linearity in Functional Sentence Perspective: The Strength of the Weak Factor" Linguistica Pragensia, Vol. XXV/1, 2015. 19 - 26, ISSN 0862-8432 (Print), ISSN 1805-9635 (Online).

Smolka, V. "Bednárová-Gibová, K.: Non-literary and literary text in translation". Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity 2012, 100pp. (review) in Lingua Viva IX/2013/Vol. 17, katedry jazyků Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, 2013, 68-70. ISSN 1801-1489.

Smolka, V. "The End-Weight and End-Focus Principles in Rhematic Subjects". In Theories and Practices: The Third International Conference on Anglophone Studies. Tomas Bata University in Zlín. 2012.79-85, ISBN 978-80-7454-191-9.

Smolka, V. "From Written to Spoken - And In Between". Discourse and Interaction, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2011. 49-61. ISSN 1802-9930.

Smolka, V. "Word-Order Variability and FSP in Written and Spoken Discourse". Linguistica Pragensia, Vol. XXI/1, 2011. 14 - 23, ISSN 0862-8432.

Smolka, V. "Word-order as a means of resolving ambiguity". In Jančaříková, R. (ed.) Interpretation of Meaning Across Discourses. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010. 175-184, ISBN 978-80-210-5376-2.

Smolka, V. "Non-canonical Order of Obligatory Clause Constituents". In Náhliková, M, Crhová, M. (eds.) Silesian Studies in English 2009. Proceedings of the International Conference of English and American Studies. Opava, Slezská univerzita, 2010. 201-211, ISBN 978-80-7248-622-9.

Smolka, V. "Object That-Clause Extraposition and Postposition in Complex-Transitive Structures". In Malá, M., Šaldová, P. (eds.) ... for thy speech bewrayeth thee. A Festschrift for Libuše Dušková. Praha: Charles University, 2010, 233 - 244, ISBN 978-80-7308-299-4.

Smolka, V. "Unusual Word-Order in English". In: Betáková, L., Koy, Ch. (eds.) English for Life. South-Bohemian Anglo-American Studies No. 3. České Budějovice, University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical Faculty, 2009, 81-86, ISBN 978-80-7394-188-8.

Smolka, V. "Word-Order as a Cohesive Device". In: Hůlková, I., Jančaříková, R. (eds.) Exploring Cohesion and Coherence in English Discourse. Third Brno Conference on Linguistic Studies in English. Brno: Masaryk University, 2009, 101- 108, ISBN 978-210-5037-2.

Smolka, V. "Why We Read What We Think We Are Reading: On Some Aspects of resolving Ambiguity". In: Procházka, M., Malá, M., Šaldová, P. (eds.) The Prague School and Theories of Structure. Interfacing Science, Literature, and the Humanities / ACUME 2 Vol. 1. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH &Company KG, V&R unipress, 2009, 209-218. ISBN 978-3-89971-704-4

Smolka, V. "Linguistic Aspects of Intercultural Communication: Czech and English Compared" In FitzGerald, C. and Schröder, K. (eds.) Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language Teaching: Perspectives from a Czech-German Viewpoint, Universität Augsburg, 2007, 31-41. URL: http://www.opus-bayern.de/uni-augsburg/volltexte/2007/695

Smolka, V. "Infinitive and Ing-Subject Clauses in Scientific Writing Compared to Other Registers" In Panocová, R., Petruňová, H. and Timková, R. (eds.) Lingvistické aspekty anglického odborného jazyka. Košice, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, 2007, 106-115. ISBN 978-80-7097-692-0

Smolka, V. "Word Order and Intonation in English and in Czech" In Machová, P. and Vraštilová, O. (eds.) Ways to Teaching and Learning - Proceedings of 5th International and 9th National Conference of the Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic. Hradec Králové, 2007, 110-115. ISBN 978-80-7041-321-0

Smolka, V. "Complementation of Infinitival and Gerundial Predicates", In Drápela, M. and Vomlele, J. (eds.) Silesian Studies in English 2006 - Proceedings of the Internatinal Conference of English and American Studies. Opava, 2006, 231-235. ISBN 80-7248-400-1

Smolka, V. "Non-extraposed Subject Clauses" In Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 3 (2005): Proceedings from the Eighth Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 137-143. ISBN 80-210-3930-2

Smolka, V. "Postposed Subject That-clauses", In Čermák, J., Klégr, A., Malá, M. and Šaldová, P. (eds.) Patterns - A Festschrift for Libuše Dušková. Prague: Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2005, 209-215, ISBN 80-7308-108-3

Smolka, V. "Subject Clauses Revisited" In 2nd Prague Conference on Linguistics and Literary Studies: Proceedings, Charles University, Prague, 2005, 31-37. ISBN 80-7290-221-0

Smolka, V. "Czech-English Word Order Interference" In: Šárka Ježková (ed.) LEARNING TOGETHER - Proceedings of 4th International and 8th National ATECR Conference, University of Pardubice, 2004, 119 - 124. ISBN 80-7194-724-5

Jaklová, A., Smolka, V. "Jazyk současných čechoamerických žurnalistických textů", In Okraj a střed v jazyce a v literatuře, Sborník z mezinárodní konference, Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně, 2003, 182-192. ISBN 80-7044-479-7

Smolka, V. "Subject Clauses and Related Structures" In Theory and Practice in English Studies, Volume 1. Proceedings from the Seventh Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, 2003, 11-115. ISBN 80-210-3283-9

Smolka, V. "Clausal Subjects in Present-Day English" In Prague Conference on Linguistics and Literary Studies (10 May 2002) Proceedings, Charles University, Prague, 2002, 45-50. ISBN 80-7290-104-4

Smolka, V. "Linguistics in teacher training - luxury or necessity?" In Profil učitele cizího jazyka. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2001, 87-90. ISBN 80-7083-506-0

Smolka, V. A syllabus in further education (INSETT). Syllabus Development Based on Research and Experience. 106-108. 2000. Technická univerzita v Liberci. 80-7083-438-2.

Smolka, V. "On restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses" In 5th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, 1996, 26-27.

Smolka, V. "Complementation of verbs of perception" In 4th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno, 1994, 27-28.

Návrhy témat:

  1. Podměty ve formě gerundia a infinitivu (Subjects in the form of the infinitive and gerund)
  2. Sloveso get ve funkci pomocného slovesa pasiva (The verb get as the passive auxiliary)
  3. Konkurence vztažných zájmen v současné angličtině (The distribution of relative pronouns in present-day English)
  4. Shoda přísudku s podměty koordinovanými spojkou OR (Numerical S-V concord in subjects employing the conjunction OR)
  5. Významy sloves will / would + perfect infinitive (The semantics of will / would + perfect infinitive)
  6. Existenciální konstrukce s jinými slovesy než "to be" (The there is construction employing verbs other than be)
  7. Konkurence přítomného a předpřítomného času při vyjadřování budoucnosti v časových větách (Present vs. Present Perfect in expressing future in temporal clauses)

Zájemci mohou navrhnout vlastní téma, jeho vhodnost je však třeba předem prodiskutovat.

Návrhy témat:

  1. Right dislocation as a means of achieving early focus in spoken language (Pravá dislokace jako prostředek dosažení pozice rématu blíže počátku věty v mluveném jazyce)
  2. The end-weight principle in English and in Czech (Princip end-weight v angličtině a v češtině)
  3. Ambiguity in infinitive clauses: the problem of boundaries (Dvojznačnost v infinitivních větách: problém hranic)
  4. The complementation of the infinitive and the gerund compared (Srovnání komplementace infinitivů a gerundií) (length, complexity, presence of thematic/context-dependent elements, degree of pronominalisation, etc.).
  5. Differences in temporal meaning conveyed by the infinitive and the gerund (Rozdíly mezi infinitivní a gerundiální komplementací z hlediska časového)
  6. Gramatical vs logical concord in contemporary English (Gramatická versus logická shoda v současné angličtině) (this type of products is/are...)
  7. Personal and possessive pronouns as means of expression of the subject in gerundial clauses (Konkurence přivlastňovacích a osobních zájmen při vyjadřování konatele gerundiálních dějů) (I hate you/your Verb-ing)
  8. Diskontinuitní struktury v angličtině (Discontinuous structures in English)
  9. Role krátkých příslovečných určení v AČV (FSP roles of -ly adverbials)
  10. Postponované podmětné věty (Postposed subject clauses)
  11. Variabilita pozice větného přízvuku u rodilých mluvčích angličtiny (Intonation nucleus placement variation in native speakers of English)

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Zájemci mohou navrhnout i vlastní téma, jeho vhodnost je však třeba předem prodiskutovat.