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Symbol PF Dean´s ordinance No. 9/2007


Each student shall in all of his/her papers (seminar, bachelor and diploma) quote every used source, including websites. Quotations generally adhere to the rules prescribed by the ČSN ISO 690 and ČSN ISO 690-2 standards. References shall be given if:

  • the text is paraphrased;
  • another author is quoted verbatim, or a definition, a chart, a diagram, a table, etc. is borrowed (the reference then must include the page number in the given publication).

Each specialisation, however, may have its specific features, which will be pointed out by the relevant department or the supervisor.

If a student fails to quote the sources, the paper shall be deemed a plagiarism. Similarly, a student shall be accused of plagiarism if he/she hands in one paper in two different subject specialisms or submits a paper produced by someone else.

The established plagiarism shall be qualified as failure to comply with the given duty (credited acknowledgement, examination, defence). Provided a student is accused of plagiarism for the second time, the case shall be solved by the PF Disciplinary Board, which will advise the Dean on further procedure.

In order to prevent possible plagiarism, students shall always state in their seminar, annual and final papers the following:

I hereby declare that I have produced this seminar/ bachelor/ dipoma paper independently, only using the quoted sources.

Č. Budějovice ......................... 200n

signature in one's own hand

České Budějovice, 24th October 2007

doc. PhDr. Alena Hošpesová, Ph.D.
Dean, Faculty of Education, USB