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Symbol PF Dean´s ordinance No. 7/2015



1. General Provisions

  1. The Doctoral Degree Programme (DDP) is carried out mainly according to Section 47 of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll, on Higher Education Institutions (hereinafter the Act).
  2. The DDP is governed by the relevant provisions of the Study and Examination Code of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
  3. The Faculty of Education of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice is entitled to provide accredited doctoral degree programmes and their specialisations.


2. DDP Objectives

  1. To master theoretical foundations and acquire basic methods of research work in the chosen degree programme and specialisation, taking into account the global level of knowledge in the given field.
  2. To acquire the ability of independent research work and other creative work which is demonstrated by elaborating and defence of a Dissertation Thesis, publications in scientific journals and other forms of presentation of independent scientific and research activities


3. Training Centres

Training Centre is a department, an institute or a studio which provides the accredited DPS programme. This unit is also responsible for drafting the accreditation application documents for this programme.

Students in the Doctoral Degree Programme are supervised by a Supervisor or a Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor (if the Supervisor is not an employee of the USB Faculty of Education).


4. Organization and Modes of Study

  1. The DDP is based on an individual curriculum (hereinafter referred to as IC) proposed by the Supervisor upon agreement with the DDP student (hereinafter referred to as student) and is discussed and approved by the Doctoral Studies Board (hereinafter referred to as DSB).
  2. Students of the on-site mode of study participate in the work and elaboration of the tasks of the Training Centre for at least 8 hours a week. Students of the combined mode of study of DSP participate in the work and elaboration of the tasks of the Training Centre to the extent specified by their Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable, and the Head of the Training Centre.
  3. The standard length of study is determined by the accreditation document.
  4. The total maximum length of the DDP is two years longer than the standard length. The Dean may, in a justified case, allow this total maximum time to be exceeded, even repeatedly. Interruption of study is not included in this total maximum time. Interruption of study is possible for a maximum of four semesters.


5. Admission procedure

  1. The Faculty of Education of the USB calls for admissions to the DDP usually once a year, at least four months before the deadline for the submission of applications for study. The admission procedure is not necessarily organized every year.
  2. The conditions of the admission procedure in the given calendar year are determined by an Ordinance of the Dean of the Faculty of Education.
  3. Transfer to a DDP from other institution is possible only after the completion of the first year of study at the original Faculty. Such applications are approved by the Dean after they have been discussed by the DSB. The DSB shall also discuss and approve the modified IC.
  4. The Dean of the Faculty may waive the entrance examination or a part thereof to applicants who have already studied at the Faculty of Education of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice in the same or related degree programme as well as to applicants from abroad.


6. Study

  1. Study in the DDP are governed by the Study and Examination Code of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
  2. Enrolment in study takes place on 1 October. The study is carried out according to the student's IC. The IC is created as stipulated in the Study and Examination Code of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Students create their IC in cooperation with the Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty-Guarantor as applicable by 30th of November of the given year at the latest. This is subsequently approved by the Doctoral Studies Board. Student then enrol in courses for the relevant academic year in the study agenda information system (hereinafter only IS STAG) according to their IC. The IC is noted on Form b. The DSB may propose additional attachments.
  3. DDP students are obliged to:
    • meet the requirements of obligatory and elective courses set out in the IC,
    • devote themselves to independent study, attend courses, conferences and seminars, prepare a research project under the supervision of their Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialists or Faculty Guarantor as applicable. This project becomes the subject of the student's Dissertation and is elaborated using scientific methods; publish the research project outcomes in scientific and specialized press and present them at scientific and specialist conferences
    • participate in the teaching at their Training Centre.
  4. The examinations set out in the curriculum must be sat by the end of the fifth semester (in the three-year study) or by the end of the sixth semester (in a four-year study). Individual courses are examined by the course teachers – Professors and Associate Professors of the USB and other universities, or eminent experts from scientific institutions approved by the Doctoral Studeis Board. The examination results are recorded by the examiner in the Student Record Book and simultaneously in IS STAG. If the examiner comes from another higher education institution, the results are input into IS STAG by an employee appointed in writing by the Chairperson.
  5. Students may apply to the DSB for recognition of courses studied at foreign universities in accordance to their IC.
  6. By 30th September of the given year, the DDP students elaborate, in cooperation with their Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable a report on the outcomes of their studies and professional activity. This report shall be written on a set form (Annex c) and forms one of the basis for the assessment of study. On the basis of the achieved results, the Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable award the student credit for the course Doctoral practice (if prescribed), or prepare a draft of necessary changes in the IC for the next academic year, and forward the report to the DSB. In case of non-compliance with the IC, the DSB submits a proposal for termination of study to the Dean of the Faculty, no later than 30th November of the given year. The Dean then terminates the study.
  7. Financial provision for international students is governed by a special contract concluded with each international student individually.
  8. Failure to fulfil study obligations is penalized by a reduction of scholarship. Repeated failure to fulfil obligations is penalized by termination of study.


7. State Doctoral Examination (hereinafter SDE)

  1. The SDE may be taken by the student after fulfilling all their obligations of the IC, following the completion of the scientific seminars and other obligations stipulated in the IC. The SDE must be completed within one year of the standard length of study. Student register for the SDE following an approval of their Supervisor, Supervisor specialists or Faculty Guarantor as applicable, using the form d. The DSB then proposes members of the SDE Board of Examiners to the Dean of the Faculty. The Dean appoints the Board and sets a date of the SDE after consultation with the DSB.
  2. For the SDE, students submits to the Board via their Supervisor, Supervisor specialists or Faculty Guarantor as applicable offprints of their published articles and other written material which provide a brief overview of the current state of the studied issues, the solution objectives, methodology and if applicable, the solution outcomes.
  3. The SDE is sat in front of a Board. The examination and announcement of results are open to the public. The DSE is held in Czech, Slovak or English language, and its duration should not exceed one hour. A written record is made on the course of the examination (see form e).
  4. The subject topics of the DSE are determined by the Doctoral Studies Board when approving the IC.
  5. Members of the DSE Board (of which there must be at least five), the Chairperson and the deputy Chairperson, including substitutes (maximum of two), are appointed by the Dean on a proposal from the Doctoral Studies Board, in addition to other members appointed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports pursuant to Section 53 paragraph 3 of the Act, no later than two months before the date of the state examination. The DSE Board is convened in writing by the Dean no later than thirty calendar days before the date of the state examination.
  6. Only Professors, Associate Professors and eminent experts approved by the Scientific Board of the Faculty pursuant to Section 53, paragraph 2 of the Act have the right to examine in the DSE. The Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor participate in the DSE as an assisting examiner.
  7. The DSE is carried out as an oral examination. The method of assessment is determined by the Study and Examination Code of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.


8. Dissertation Thesis (hereinafter DT)

  1. The content and form of the DT is governed by common practice for publishing scientific results in the given field; the specific requirements are set out by the DSB
  2. The DT must contain:
    • overview of the current state of the subject matter dealt with in the research
    • DT objectives
    • chosen method of investigation
    • achieved outcomes presenting new findings, alternatively a discourse of these outcomes,
    • conclusions and a summary
    • list of used literature
    • a signed declaration of the DDP student that they have elaborated the DT independently and have listed all the literature and other sources used; DTs may be submitted in Czech, Slovak or English language; if it is in Czech or Slovak, an English summary is included and vice versa; DT also includes a special annex which is an overview of the student's own publications and enclosed offprints.
  3. DTs are submitted by DDP students for Defence at the Training Centre within the deadline set by the Supervisor, Supervisor – Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable. DTs must be publicly available at this Centre at least 5 days before the Defence. Students are also required to upload their DT on IS STAG following any relevant valid Rector's Ordinance.
  4. Students submit the application for the Defence of the DT to the Chairperson of the Doctoral Studies Board (see from f). The application must contain the following attachments:
    • The student's CV
    • The student's Study Credit Book
    • A reference of the Supervisor, Supervisor - Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable
    • the report of the Training Centre on DT
    • a list of the student's published papers, including posters and lectures
    • three copies of the DT (two for the Reviewers, one for the Faculty Library). The copies are forwarded to the Reviewers by the Training Centre; all submitted copies must be hardcover.
    • twenty copies of a Dissertation Abstract to the extent recommended by the Doctoral Studies Board in Czech (Slovak) or English version; if the abstract is submitted in Czech (Slovak), it must include an English summary and vice versa; the abstract is sent to the persons concerned by the Training Centre.
  5. In case of the Defence having formatting issues, the Chairperson of the DSB requests the student to remedy these within a deadline.
  6. The Board for the Defence of the Dissertation (hereinafter referred to as the „Board“) consists of an odd number of members, inclusive of the Reviewers, while the minimum number of members is seven. The Reviewers are members of the Board. The Chairperson, deputy Chairperson and members of the Board, apart from the persons referred to in Section 53, paragraph 3 of Act No. 111/98 Coll., are appointed, at the proposal of the DSB, by the Dean from the members of the relevant Programme of study DSB, or other leading university or scientific institutes experts; at least three members of the Board must hold the degree of a Professor, Associate Professor or Doctor of Science (DSc.), at least three members of the Board must be external (outside of the USB), two must be members of the Doctoral Studies Board; the Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable takes part in the Defence without the right to vote; at least 2/3 of the Board members must be present during the Defence.
  7. If the Board finds that DT has fundamental deficiencies, it recommends to the student to amend or revise the work.
  8. The Chairperson of the Board shall with the approval of the members of the Board appoint two Reviewers from the experts in the given field. At least one of the reviewers must be a Professor, Associate Professor or Doctor of Science (DSc.). In the event of Defence of a DT of an interdisciplinary nature, the reviewers must represent all disciplines which the dissertation is dealing with. The student's Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable or the person who participated in the dissertation cannot be appointed as a Reviewer. Only one of the Reviewers may be a member of the academic community of the USB in České Budějovice.
  9. The DSB will send the DT to the Reviewers within one month from the receipt of the application for a Defence at the latest.
  10. The Reviewer is required to submit a written report to the Chairperson of the Board no later than one month after receiving the Dissertation, or to inform the Chairperson of the Board that they are not able to prepare the report within 14 calendar days at the latest. If the report is not delivered within the said deadline even after a reminder, or if the Reviewer has declared that they are not able to prepare a review, the Chairperson of the Board shall appoint, with the approval of the members of the Board, a new Reviewer.
  11. The Reviewer's report should contain objective and critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the DT. Each Reviewer is required to clearly state whether or not they recommend the Dissertation for Defence.
  12. The Chairperson of the Board shall ensure the upload of the reports to IS STAG and notifies the student and their Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable with the Reviewer's assessment. In the case of a negative assessment by two Reviewers, the Chairperson of the Board stops the proceedings and notifies the Dean. At the student's request, the Dean determines a deadline for submission of the re-elaborated DT, which then shall be submitted to the Reviewers for reassessment.
  13. The Chairperson of the Board shall determine the time and place of the Defence and notify the participants at least six weeks in advance. No later than fifteen days before the Defence, the Chairperson of the DSB will send the Reviewer's reports to the Board members. The date of the Defence must be published on the official notice board of the Faculty.
  14. The Defence of the Dissertation is public. The Defence is run by the Chairperson of the Board, in their absence by the Vice-Chairperson of the Board or the person appointed by the Chairperson. The student's Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor cannot run the Defence.
  15. The participation of Reviewers is mandatory during the Defence. If one of the Reviewers cannot participate in the Defence for serious reasons, the Defence may be held on the condition that the absent Reviewer has given a positive report. The Defence shall not take place if both of the Reviewers are absent and the Chairperson of the Board will within a week determine a new date of the Defence.
  16. During the DT Defence, the student presents the outcomes of the DT to the Board. The Reviewers' statements are heard followed by a debate between the student, Reviewers, members of the Board and other participants in the Defence. The course of this debate is recorded in the Defence minutes.
  17. The Chairperson of the Board is obliged to discuss during the Defence all written statements regarding the DT that have been submitted to them. Any member of the public present at the Defence, shall have the opportunity to present their comments on the work, the student is obliged to deliver their opinion on the written and oral comments.
  18. At the end of the Defence, the DT, the Reviewer's objections and the student's responses during the debate are assessed in a closed conference of the Board. This session is attended by the Reviewers who have a right to vote as well as by the Supervisor, Supervisor-Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable who do not have a right to vote. The Board decides by a secret ballot. A valid resolution on a positive outcome requires a majority of votes of the present members of the Board with at least two-thirds of the Board members present.
  19. In the Defence was classified as „failed“, the student has the right to submit a revised DT after six months at the earliest. The Defence can only be repeated once.
  20. The course of Defence of the DT and its outcome shall be recorded on the form g, signed by the Chairperson and all members present, including the Reviewers. The Chairman of the Board publicly announces the outcome of DT's Defence to the student.
  21. The Chairperson of the DSB is responsible for forwarding the list of defended dissertations to the Head of the Study Department, who will then forward the list to the JU Academic Library on behalf of the whole Faculty of Education. The Library then provides cataloguing records with hypertext links to specific theses in IS STAG.


9. Transfer of study

  1. A transfer between full-time and combined form of study at a student's request is granted by the Dean of the Faculty. The application must include: detailed justification and a statement from the Supervisor, Supervisor -Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable and the Chairperson of the Doctoral Studies Board.
  2. A transfer is possible only at the beginning of the academic year.


10. Completion of Study

  1. The study in DDP is duly completed by a State Doctoral Examination and Defence of Dissertation.
  2. The study can be further terminated by:
    • withdrawal from study
    • on the proposal of the Doctoral Studies Board if the DDP student does not meet the obligations set by the IC
    • on the proposal of the Supervisor, Supervisor -Specialist or Faculty Guarantor as applicable approved by the Doctoral Studies Board if the student does not work with the required efficiency and according to the Dissertation research project schedule
    • if the student did not enrol without a proper excuse in the relevant year within the deadline set for enrolment, or within five days of this deadline
    • by withdrawing the accreditation of the programme of study
    • by termination of the accreditation of the programme of study
    • by exclusion from study for disciplinary offenses stipulated by the law
  3. The day of termination is the day on which the decision of the termination of study has come into effect.


11. Annexes

  1. Entrance Examination Record Form (.pdf)
  2. IC Form (.pdf)
  3. Annual IC Compliance Assessment Form (.pdf)
  4. State Doctoral Examination Application Form (.pdf)
  5. State Doctoral Examination Minutes Form (.pdf)
  6. Dissertation Defence Application Form (.pdf)
  7. Dissertation Defence Minutes Form (.pdf)
  8. Dissertation Thesis Cover Page Template (.doc)
  9. Dissertation Abstract Cover Page Template (.doc)

All Annexes in .doc Format


This Ordinance repeals the Dean's Ordinance No 4/2013 of 4 November 2013.


This Ordinance comes into effect on 19 July 2019

Assoc.Prof. RNDr. Helena Koldová, PhD
Dean of USB Faculty of Education


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