
Call for applications – Postdoc position in psychology


Full document link: https://bit.ly/3j2um3z

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (Czech Republic, EU) advertises a competition for university postdoc positions starting in 2022. The aim of the competition is to support promising starting researchers in various fields of science. 

The Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Education of the USB follows up on this call and is looking for a postdoc candidate in the field of psychology.

Areas in which the candidate should be professionally/academically focused are (at least one of the following):

  • Advanced statistics (e.g., R software) and methodology in research psychology
  • Research in teaching and learning (e.g., research in new techologies in teaching and learning, virtual reality etc.)
  • Advanced methods of measurement, data acquisition and processing (e.g., text analysis, machine learning, computational simulations)

Note: Applicants should have completed their Ph.D. study, but no more than 8 years ago. The postdoc salary is approx. 30–46 thousand CZK per month (1100–1700 EUR), excl. taxes & levy. The financial support is provided for 12–24 months. 

In case of your interest, please send the application documents to the head of the Department of Psychology, prof. Stuchlíková, stuchl@pf.jcu.cz. Please send the documents no later than August 15, 2021. The documents should include:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae (max. 5 pages long)
  • List of publications and scientific activities
  • References and recommendations (if applicable)

Thank you for your interest!
Department of Psychology, University of South Bohemia