
ARC DP140101361: The Lexicon Project: Analysing pedagogical naming systems from different cultures to reconceptualise classroom practice and advance educational theory.

Název projektu: The Lexicon Project: Analysing pedagogical naming systems from different cultures to reconceptualise classroom practice and advance educational theory.

Registr. číslo: Australian Research Council DP140101361

Doba řešení projektu: 2014 - 2016

Žadatel:    David Clarke, University of Melbourne, Austrálie


Anotace: Classrooms remain the principal site of institutionalised learning. Their cultural specificity poses challenges for international comparative research. New approaches are needed. Internationally, our educational theories, research and descriptions of practice are framed in English, which names some aspects of the classroom, but ignores key aspects named in other languages. This limits our capacity to access, connect and adapt the wisdom of other cultures. The Lexicon Project will initiate cross-cultural dialogue to identify pedagogical terms from selected Asian and European educational communities and use these as analytical tools to categorise, interrogate and enrich our classroom practice, classroom research, and educational theorising.

Řešitelský tým:
David Clarke, Carmel Mesiti, Caroline Bardini, Hilary Hollingsworth (Austrálie); Valeska Grau-Cardenas (Chile); Cao Yiming (Čína); Jarmila Novotná, Alena Hošpesová, Iva Žlábková (Česká republika); Markku Hannula, Fritjof Sahlstrom (Finsko); Michele Artigue (Francie); David Reid, Christine Knipping (Německo); Yoshinori Shimizu (Japonsko); Miriam Sherin (USA)